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- Thu Oct 29, 2015 18:09
- Forum: Общий раздел
- Topic: Чудо Ведомости
- Replies: 1305
- Views: 448087
Re: Чудо Ведомости
а что если самому находить во что или в кого быть влюблённым. Главное- это само чувство. Я всё время в кого-нибудь или во что-нибудь влюбляюсь. Сейчас влюблена в Амаретовый коктейль, шоколадки с перцом и смех одного ребенка-аутистика. В прошлом месяце влюблялась в Бермуды. В обычных людей влюбляться...
- Wed Aug 26, 2015 17:33
- Forum: Общий раздел
- Topic: Чудо Ведомости
- Replies: 1305
- Views: 448087
Re: Чудо Ведомости
А разве единственная алтернатива человеку( враждовать, отрицать, стыдиться, делать виноватым, не принимать, т д) -это обязательно ангел?
Может есть другие варианты
Может есть другие варианты
- Wed Sep 02, 2009 17:01
- Forum: English Language Section
- Topic: Baby steps
- Replies: 46
- Views: 33728
Re: Baby steps
The "reality" reacts to what you really are, not simply to what your words express: it may be the same thing, and then ok, bingo! But if not, the priority is given to what you really are, independently by your control efforts... Massimo, Then according the this in order to know "what ...
- Tue Sep 01, 2009 4:15
- Forum: English Language Section
- Topic: Baby steps
- Replies: 46
- Views: 33728
Re: Baby steps
As for "spiritual" experiences I'n not sure I have had any. I have had moments when I have felt there is something out there much bigger than we are, that there are things about our universe we simply can not explain with pure logic Just today ran into that piece which seem belongs to that...
- Thu May 14, 2009 0:05
- Forum: English Language Section
- Topic: People without mental power
- Replies: 14
- Views: 10642
Re: People without mental power
Thanks , amazing stuff Two things are especially interesting there Dr Miller says (and not only him) that autistic kids cannot separate themselves from the environment. His words are exactly the same as that woman They don't know and don't feel where there body end (in severe cases probably), so Dr....
- Wed May 13, 2009 15:48
- Forum: English Language Section
- Topic: People without mental power
- Replies: 14
- Views: 10642
Re: People without mental power
Thanks for the link....I ordered the book
This is what seems they are in most of the time-the state of Nirvana and it feels so nice to be around them...very contagious and uplifting
This is what seems they are in most of the time-the state of Nirvana and it feels so nice to be around them...very contagious and uplifting
- Tue May 12, 2009 22:26
- Forum: English Language Section
- Topic: People without mental power
- Replies: 14
- Views: 10642
Re: People without mental power
Dr Miller is a psychologist (of old school) from Boston who created an interesting program for children with autism and other disorders .He has O/A page and here is one of them I ask Dr. Miller "Why do you take pictures and make films?". His answer is:"Those kids don't connect very mu...
- Tue Apr 28, 2009 17:51
- Forum: English Language Section
- Topic: People without mental power
- Replies: 14
- Views: 10642
Re: People without mental power
Perhaps then, people who have developed in a different way than we consider "normal" and who's brain may have been damaged or disadvantaged in some way are, perhaps using other organs with which to think and process information. These organs however do not have the same connections to the...
- Sat Apr 25, 2009 18:05
- Forum: English Language Section
- Topic: People without mental power
- Replies: 14
- Views: 10642
Re: People without mental power
[quote="Massimo"] The first one is that people without mental power are in a disadvantaged condition compared to “normal” people and that the only way to try helping them is to try reducing as far as possible their distance from “normal” people, “teaching” them how to behave, i.e. how to “...
- Tue Apr 21, 2009 18:24
- Forum: English Language Section
- Topic: People without mental power
- Replies: 14
- Views: 10642
Re: People without mental power
Well, I meant it like that Regular/typical souls come to this physical life with some purpose-to learn some lessons, to grow spiritually, etc, etc. to create themselves in some way. Those souls I'm talking about cannot do anything on their own and totally dependent (on us- caregivers), so what are t...
- Sun Apr 19, 2009 16:17
- Forum: English Language Section
- Topic: People without mental power
- Replies: 14
- Views: 10642
People without mental power
Why mentally retarded children come to this life and how we are supposed to treat them? There is a version exist that they are that way because in previous lives they were murderers, etc . Another version is that some souls decided to come to that life, but without capacity to sin. There is also man...
- Thu Oct 30, 2008 19:32
- Forum: English Language Section
- Topic: 2012 - could it really be the end ?
- Replies: 9
- Views: 7233
Re: 2012 - could it really be the end ?
If the life on the Earth the way we know it will come to the end, then what about the physical life of a human being-was born, lived for a while, got old, died.
Will that process be the same or it's be changed somehow?
If the life on the Earth the way we know it will come to the end, then what about the physical life of a human being-was born, lived for a while, got old, died.
Will that process be the same or it's be changed somehow?
- Tue Sep 09, 2008 20:43
- Forum: English Language Section
- Topic: What is the living?
- Replies: 24
- Views: 31672
Personally, I’d like to use the expression “accept the source” instead of “understand the source” (the understanding is related to the rational principle and to its inevitable conceptual limits (to the limits of its energetic trasmissivity), while the acceptation is related to the irrational princip...
- Sun Sep 07, 2008 6:23
- Forum: English Language Section
- Topic: What is the living?
- Replies: 24
- Views: 31672
- Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:01
- Forum: English Language Section
- Topic: Article on the offences
- Replies: 13
- Views: 10454
If I had been offended I could consider closing the question with an offensive reply (with the clear awareness that this offensive reply would be just an expression of my belonging to the human race and would serve no purpose other than that of pleasing my offended ego Hello Massimo, thanks for the ...