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New forum version

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 13:22
by Saul
As you may have noticed, the forum has been updated to the latest version. This of course gives it a new look and feel and whilst it may be slightly confusing at first I am sure everyone will find this a much better experience than the old version.

There are still some things to do and it's not entirely certain we will stick with the current look but at least we should be able to institute some extra security measures now, that will stop the majority of spammers afflicting the forum.

Anyway, hope you all like it and if you have any questions please ask away and I will do my best to answer them :)


Re: New forum version

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 18:52
by Irinushka
Saul, thank a lot for your huge support!
I have just tested the forum from the point of view of the energy transmissivity and it’s great! :D

I particularly appreciated this function: “Styles (and font colour) can be applied quickly to selected text”. I have used it in my last messages written in the Russian section and it gives me a sensation of a very powerful creativity, of a creativity updated to the latest version as well. :)

And, by the way, this “quick application of the colours” we have inside will become our fondamental tool for the creation of our personalized new reality... :)

Re: New forum version

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 0:44
by Saul
Well I'm not sure I understand it from the point of view of "energy transmissivity" but, I'm very happy that you are happy :D

I am sure that over the next few days people will get used to the new look and facilities :)


Re: New forum version

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 12:07
by Irinushka
Yes, I am happy! :D

Speaking of “energy transmissivity”, I mean that the forum space is simply “magic”. For example, it can perceive by itself the “spiritual matter” I am going (I’d like) to share and helps me to find the most appropriate and “conductive” words and expressions, to create highly resonant circuits.
Up to now I have used those “hidden” utilities only in the Russian forum, but now I feel that also the English speaking wave attracts and stimulates me very much. Because it has inside a lot of acustic connections and excitements (vibrational rows) that can change our living in a spectacular way, of course if we really want it.

Then I hope that together, joining our forces, we’ll “reanimate” the English Forum, as a very real and tangible step toward the miracles. :)

Because in this virtual space our speaking magically becomes a kind of painting and “development” of our right manner of being.

Re: New forum version

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 14:09
by Saul
You certainly have an interesting way of putting things :)

Speaking for myself. I take the view that a forum, such as this one, acts as a conduit for thoughts and ideas to develop. A place where, perhaps, we gain some insight into other people's lives and cultures.

I am not sure about our lives being somehow guided or moulded by external forces, gods, spirits, energy...whatever people would like to call such things however I am sure there is more to us as humans than we know.

Our beginnings may have been a random event of my opinion....but I think we have reached a point in our evolution where things are no longer random and that we have control over the paths we take. I emphasize "we" have control as I don't believe we are controlled by any forces other than perhaps circumstance. If there is a mountain in your path you can climb it or go around it but the choice is still yours and that choice is only necessitated by the circumstance of there being a mountain there in the first place. Of course there is a third choice and that is to not do anything, perhaps just sit on the ground and admire the wonder of the mountain and power of nature? :)


Re: New forum version

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 15:43
by Irinushka
Saul, happy birthday to you!

I have already made my greetings to you in Russian, because for me this is obviously the easiest way :) , but here, in your original vibrational space, I’d like to express, on the occasion of your birthday, one more consideration.

Some days ago I was talking with my “sources” about the most “correct” and beatiful places on the Earth, from the point of view of energy transmissivity and sensitivity to source codes.

And during this conversation I received the information that England, because of some very specific energy reasons, is in “Pole Position” and represents one of the primary “force points” and “force fields” of the new Earth civilisation.

So I am glad to give you this stimulating news right today! :)

Re: New forum version

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 16:36
by Saul
Sorry I have only just got around to replying. Have had way too much work on just lately. I'm sure the work/recreation balance is the wrong way around :?

Anyway, thank you for your kind words Irinushka. Yet another year has flown by and yet I barely noticed it. They say time fly's as you get older. Perhaps our perception of it changes. Maybe it's that we become all too aware that their are fewer years ahead than have gone before? I don't know but, I hope I have many more to come yet! :)

It's interesting you say England is currently in top spot for primary “force points” and “force fields” of the new Earth civilisation. I have a feeling a few of our friends from the East may take exception to that ;) Still, I have always felt England to be a very special country. It's not in any way perfect, it has many flaws but, there is just something about the place that makes me very happy to see it when returning from a long journey. This is not just a case of returning to the familiar. There is something about England which I can't quite find words to explain but, yes it is a very special place :)

Re: New forum version

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 20:25
by Митрий
Saul wrote:I have a feeling a few of our friends from the East may take exception to that ;)
It is not easy to draw border between England, as one of "locomotives" of current civilization - and England as one of "bodies" of the following civilization :wink: And hostility was spread too long - on both sides, certainly. So, we are all must be patient, because all we are patients ;)
dixie ;)

p.s. or, may be, "border" is a wrong word too? :D

Re: New forum version

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 11:51
by Митрий
And another thing, that each local civilisation has the own unique features - someone is more directed to a material world, someone to spiritual, someone on a life itself - and all of this need to create full palette. I think, this is the reason for every "center" presence. But how they are will be created from current awful conditions - I can't even imagine.
dixie ;)