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2012 - could it really be the end ?

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 14:16
by Saul
I was recently pondering on the works of Nostradamus and the discovery of some of his later works not seen before in which, it is said, he made a prediction about the we know is....coming to an end in the year 2012.

Of course, Nostradamus's works are "interpretations" as he rarely wrote anything in plain English....or Occitan which was the language he would have spoken at the time ;) So of course the interpretations could be wrong. However, the Mayans also predicted the same thing many centuries before the birth of Nostradamus.....coincidence?

So this brings me to a question for Irinushka. Do you get any sense of these coming events in your communications or do you feel that there has been some mis-interpretation here ?

Re: 2012 - could it really be the end ?

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 19:17
by Irinushka
Saul, your question has created a discussion space where so many things must be explained!

And my English is still very poor (but I'll try to improve it :) )…

I have just published an interview in a Russian regional newspaper (the first part, the second part will appear on Saturday) where I speak about my vision of the future as well.

From my opinion, the future is always “multivariant”.
High levels do predispose the scenarios, but for them scenario doesn’t mean a manuscript where all kind of events and rules and parts are just written with an indelible ink, but a sort of an integral “vibrational context”, of an “integral excitement field” in development.

And the pratical ways and modes (both individual and collective) of this development in progress (the .exe procedures :) ) may be very numerous, may change in every moment.

Inside a specific “mega-scenario” a lot of variable micro-scenarios exist.

Some years ago our conversational partners from the higher realms have proposed us this definition: knowledge written “with a pencil and not with a pen”.

With a pencil we can catch and describe some excitement trends and tendencies, we can (and we must) use them in our favour, so to recalculate and understand better ourselves, but we must remember that they are never static.

So, now we all are part of an “integral excitement field” of the Earth that must shift from point A to point B (the mega-scenario).

Point B means a new reality, a condition of a fully manifested physical presence, where “the human part” will not be separated anymore from its spiritual counterpart, but will naturally coexist with it.

And so the world of the Earth as we know it, will indeed come to an end.

“Point A”, that is our current “reality pattern”, will dissolve, will “vanish”, will be unavailable, and in this sense yes, we can say that Nostradamus, the Mayans and some others prophets have seen right, but only one component of this mega-scenario: the collapse of the age of the “Homo under-manifested”.

While the other component of this mega-scenario – the alternative, the new reality look – up to now could't be seen by anybody. Because it is something that will be born only now, that we are going to create by ourselves, as Creators and “energy conductors”, predisposing our personalized scenarios and “engines” of the "living".

Re: 2012 - could it really be the end ?

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 19:32
by aspie

If the life on the Earth the way we know it will come to the end, then what about the physical life of a human being-was born, lived for a while, got old, died.
Will that process be the same or it's be changed somehow?

Re: 2012 - could it really be the end ?

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 19:52
by Saul's interesting. According to Nostradamus there are two ways we can go both of which involve great changes. We can descend into some "fiery hell"....which is how he may have interpreted it given the times he lived in, I am assuming here he meant some sort of third world war, or....we could come into a new age of enlightenment where we put aside our petty differences of religion and race and territorial ambitions and the human race rises to a whole new level of spiritual awakening.

We are, after all, one single species. We can live in harmony together. It just takes the will to do it.

I have quoted a few interesting lines below that may give some food for thought.
2012 is claimed by some with New age beliefs to be a great year of spiritual transformation (or alternatively an apocalypse). There is disagreement among believers as to whether 2012 will see an end of civilization, or humanity will be elevated to a higher level.

Many esoteric sources interpret the completion of the thirteenth B'ak'tun cycle in the Long Count of the Maya calendar (which occurs on December 21 by the most widely held correlation) to mean there will be a major change in world order.

Astrologer John Jenkins has determined that on this date, there will be "an extremely close conjunction of the northern hemisphere winter solstice sun with the crossing point of the Galactic equator and the ecliptic", an event that will not be repeated for thousands of years.

Several authors have published works which claim that a major, world-changing event will take place in 2012:

* The 1997 book The Bible Code by Michael Drosnin claims that, according to certain algorithms of the Bible code, an asteroid or comet will collide with the Earth.
* The 2006 book 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl by Daniel Pinchbeck discusses theories of a possible global awakening to psychic connection by the year 2012, creating a noosphere.
* Patrick Geryl predicts a magnetic pole reversal. This has happened many times in the past. Geryl also predicts that the Earth will start rotating in the opposite direction although a geomagnetic reversal does not require the Earth to change its rotation direction. The Earth functions as a gigantic gyroscope. The energy required to reverse its direction of rotation would be immense. He does not explain from where the required energy will come.
* Riley Martin claims that Biaviian aliens will allow passage aboard their 'Great Mother Ship' when the Earth is 'transformed' in 2012.
* Terence McKenna's numerological novelty theory suggests a point of singularity in which humankind will go through a great shift in consciousness.

Re: 2012 - could it really be the end ?

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:06
by Irinushka
aspie wrote:Irinushka,

If the life on the Earth the way we know it will come to the end, then what about the physical life of a human being-was born, lived for a while, got old, died.
Will that process be the same or it's be changed somehow?
In the Russian forum, in the topic “We and our physical body”, observing myself and my transformative process, I have just alluded to the condition of the mutation of our physical life, but in this moment it’s too soon to try to give detailed explanations about this matter.

But the base principle is the same: the things of the physical world and the things of the spirit will not be separated anymore.
The physical body is a vehicle and a tool of our integral living condition, and it will change and “be born again” in such way to adapt itself to what we really are, to our living predestination, to our "existential business".

The low frequency vibrations and excitements that it uses will be aligned with the high frequency vibrations and excitements of our superior counterpart; so we will have experience of a kind of personalized physical “reconfiguration, reinstallation and restart”.

Speaking for myself, I am just feeling some “mutation in progress”, connected with my specific role and mission regarding the global transformative building, and it’s very amazing and exciting… :)

Re: 2012 - could it really be the end ?

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:06
by Irinushka
Saul's interesting. According to Nostradamus there are two ways we can go both of which involve great changes. We can descend into some "fiery hell"....which is how he may have interpreted it given the times he lived in, I am assuming here he meant some sort of third world war, or....we could come into a new age of enlightenment where we put aside our petty differences of religion and race and territorial ambitions and the human race rises to a whole new level of spiritual awakening.

We are, after all, one single species. We can live in harmony together. It just takes the will to do it.
I am sure that the first way (an apocalypse scenario) has been already bypassed, and now we are living the scenario of a global spiritual transformation.
The point of no-return is now behind us, and not in front of us – I mean the “mega-scenario”.
The Earth is already “in a safe place”; in a place where it’s able to receive from the Space all the energy inputs it needs to successfully complete the shift.

But on the individual level things are different and every person must make a choice and accomplish the shift by itself.

And there are only two ways: to continue to reproduce and to support the old reality patterns, using the own life as an extension and confirmation of the old “Operational System”, or to wake up and go away from the old “vibrational context”.
To start to “enchant” the surrounding space with our “internal magic and light”.

Tertium non datur...

The year 2012 probably will bring some further stability for the Earth and for ourselves in our new life positions and roles, but I think that the global and individual transformation will continue after this date as well.

And, by the way, also the scale of the Earth time is changing, the “time vibrations” are now going to be “reloaded”, so I am not so sure that when year 2012 will came, this old calendar and its excitability will still make sense and impact to us. :)

Re: 2012 - could it really be the end ?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 11:02
by Irinushka
I would like to present you the English version of the song "There is a time" of the Italian singer-songwriter Ivano Fossati.

According to me, this song is pure gold and says about the time more than 10 messages of channelling put together. :)

Many thanks to Massimo for his beautiful translation! :D" onclick=";return false;

Ivano Fossati There is a time

"They say there is a time to sow
And one you wait as long as you want, but never comes
A dreamt time that comes at night
And another one that comes by day, tight
As a linen fluttering in the wind.

There is a refused time and a secret time
A distant time that belongs to others
A time that was better to go away
And that time that was better for us to speak to each other.

There is a perfect time for silence
Looking at the passage of the summer sun
And knowing how to tell our children when
It’s the mute hour of the fairies.

There is a day we got lost
Like mislaying a ring in a meadow
And there was a complete future program
We didn’t fulfill.

It’s time that slips away, don’t be afraid
That sooner or later it will catch us again
Because there is time, there is time, there is time, there is time
For this infinite sea of people.

God, it’s such a long time it’s raining
I don’t come back for a year
I’m here ruffled for half an hour
Into a waiting room
Of a tram that doesn’t arrive
Don’t be jealous of me,
Of my life
Don’t be jealous of me
Don’t ever be jealous of me.

There is a time for waiting, as I was saying
Something good that will be
a moment photographed, painted, signed
And the next one lost away
Without even wishing to know how its photography
Would have been.

There is a beautiful time that is in a sweat
A rebellious season
The instant when is shot the only arrow
That reaches the celestial vault
And stabs the stars
It’s a day all people held out
their hands to each other
It’s the same instant for everybody
That will be blessed, I believe
From very far
It’s the time that lastly is
Or when we understand each other
A time when you’ll see me
Next to you again
Hand in hand
How funny we’ll be
If they won’t have even
let us know.

They say there is a time to sow
And a longer one for waiting
I say that there was a dreamt time
That had to be dreamt of."

Re: 2012 - could it really be the end ?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 15:42
by Saul
Nice song and I think I get the idea. I'm not often known for quoting passages from the bible but it also puts me in mind of a section in Ecclesiastes 3:1 which was adapted into a song by Pete Seger and later popularized by The Byrds.
From The Holy Bible (King James Version)
Attributed to King Solomon

To everything there is a season, and
a time to every purpose under heaven:

A time to be born, and
a time to die;
a time to plant, and
a time to pluck up
that which is planted;

A time to kill, and
a time to heal;
a time to break down, and
a time to build up;

A time to weep, and
a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and
a time to dance;

A time to cast away stones, and
a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace, and
a time to refrain from embracing;

A time to get, and
a time to lose;
a time to keep, and
a time to cast away;

A time to rend, and
a time to sow;
a time to keep silence, and
a time to speak;

A time to love, and
a time to hate;
a time of war; and
a time of peace.
Perhaps "time" is something we dwell on too much? There is a time for everything....not necessarily when we would like it but whatever it is, it's time will most certainly come :)

Even were 2012 to bring disaster I think there would not be much we could do about it, except perhaps to enjoy the here and now and stop worrying about what "might" be?

Re: 2012 - could it really be the end ?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 19:08
by Irinushka
Hi, Saul!

As I have already said, I don’t think that 2012 will bring disaster, even if a lot of people will continue to reproduce (to “play”) in their mind this kind of thought.

To enjoy the here and now” as much as possible: it’s certainly a fundamental key for our transition processes, stimulating our capacity to reveal and understand our divine nature.

By the way, in these days, I caught from the air the word “Chronometer”, as a suggestion, but I don’t find yet how to interpret it.

Maybe, it is an indication of some new “meter” “coming soon” with which we’ll be able to measure time (“Chrono”)? :)

Or perhaps it means that we must put more attention to the synchronisms and the coincidences that occur more and more frequently in our life?

Recalculating ourselves on the basis of those synchronisms?

Or maybe something else? :)

Re: 2012 - could it really be the end ?

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 21:34
by Joconde ... re=related" onclick=";return false;

A Gigantic Butterfly Crop Circle formation (530 Meters x 450 Meters), the Biggest Crop Circle Ever ... appeared in Netherlands near a town in southern Holland called Goes, on the 8th of August 2009. It is an incredibly large butterfly with Da Vinci's 'Vitruvian Man' in the center, depicting the metamorphosis of the Caterpillar into a Butterfly.
The wisdom of the butterfly teaches us, “The way in IS the way out.”