to become one

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to become one

Post by krisha »

:D GoodLight to anyone who travel in this way and on this Light, excuse me for my english but is a lot of time that i don't use it. Is very important (i think) for Us to improve our selves to play a ring-a-ring-o'-roses all around Gaia, the languages are not important, but very important is the voice of the hearth. Very early we became only one but we have to do one step from italy and one from russia, on the top we have our golden lady , our stars-decoder :mrgreen: A big "bear hug" krisha

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Re: to become one

Post by krisha »

:roll: no one is on line...ok i play with myself, but in two is better, three wonderful, four... :mrgreen:

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Re: to become one

Post by Saul »

Hey Krisha :) nice to see someone posting in the English language forum :)

It is often very quiet in here but as with all community based sites you really have to go where the majority congregate. In this case it's the Italian forum. Unfortunately some of us do not speak Italian. However, there are online translation tools via Google and Babelfish that can help and whilst the translation will never be perfect it does allow people to take part...if they really want to :)

Of course we could always learn Italian :idea: :)

Or...maybe I am biased here but, since English is the International language perhaps there are more people who speak that one common language than those who just speak Russian or Italian? Maybe everyone could come together in the one forum? just a thought ;)

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Re: to become one

Post by krisha »

two 2 yuhhuu :mrgreen: Goodlight Soul-saul thank you for your reply, i'm very happy for this golden opportunity (excuse me for the mistake i'm a "pippa") and i hope that some flowers from the italian and russian forum will be arrive here to grow up with us. The way is opened... :D our hearths are opened...and i'm sure that the New Reality will found a star/hearth/language to ease us to become one :mrgreen: a big earth-hug

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Re: to become one

Post by krisha »

Hi :D goodLight until 23/6 i have in my internet key only few minuts, so that in this lightly days i'm not disappear. we cannot met us in this forum, but in and outside there is a great Energy Order without any key apart from your heath. I'm here :mrgreen:" onclick=";return false; i think this is a great idea :wink:

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Re: to become one

Post by stefano »

ammappus Krisha, heath or heart is the word you wanted to write?
I'm usually completely in the "moment" at evening or night.

Two nights ago, I saw a wide light rising from this forum...
And now is the perfect moment to play and dance with it and together with you.

Good light Krisha and forum

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Re: to become one

Post by krisha »

:shock: biammappus!! is my fairy/witch soul i think "heath" is one of my life i think :roll: yuhhuuu stefano nice to met you and thank you very much and here i write YOU ARE NOT A "PIPPA" You are my best soul/friend :wink: let's we dance togheter (hey sa :D ul is also for you and for another our friends :mrgreen: Good luck to everyone who look inside the Light is in Us

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Re: to become one

Post by Ultra »

Hello everyone :D

I was wondering if perhaps someone who participated in the workshop last Saturday would like to talk about his/her experiences and thoughts on what was discussed (?)

It is very interesting for all Russian-speaking members of the Forum but usually we only get a brief summation of what happened and what was talked about during these workshops. It would be great if someone could let us have an insight into his/her perception on these sessions of connection with
New Earth. :)
aka CleverLand

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Re: to become one

Post by Arcobaleno »

Dear friends of english forum,
I’m valentina and I haven’t been speaking english very often in the last years, but I’ll try to explain what my “I” lives in these sessions with New Heart.

When we think about the New Reality we often buid in our mind meanings and imagines of future yet written in some espace of possibilities.
New Heart, on the contrary, are telling us that this future, wich is more and more near of us, will be completely out of our millenary concepts of what is right/wrong, good/bad, big/small.
We can imagine New Heart like a sort of picture that is painting itself with the help of our dreams, but also with the power of our joyful materiality.
If we want to grow up with the New Heart we can start to dismantle our personal and collective believes and try to listen our primordial sense of life, of many aspects of life.
Is it important for me?
Is it real for me?
Is it a pleasure for me even if in the actual reality it seems not to be possible?

We can follow our real being, (when we understand where he wants to go), giving us the possibility of flying in many dimensions, reading the many lectures of reality, and thinking about ourselves like a WE.

If it’s sure that everything is changing, it’s also clear that everything will change with our individual and collective expansion.
In a sessions Metatron told us that the measure of this new fabbrication of ourselves is that of joy, and I think it’s a very simple thing but very deeply at the same time, because the New Reality will be first af all simple, flowing, free.

The New Reality is strictly connected to the life breath, and our life breath is connected to everything gives us the happiness.
We are here to be happy, everyone in his personal way, and New Heart tell us to go toward things which seem to us attractive, in a enlarged meaning of attractive.
Attractive for the more authentic parts of us.

The word integrity is very often used in this sessions, and I think that we haven’t to think about it like a removal of our lower and negative aspects, but like a fluent abandonment of what is not important, what doesn’t produce music in ourselves.

We are multidimensional beings, we are travelling toward a New World in which (if we want to allow this transit) we will be able to consider our individual light like the light of the life, the light of other beings... like a shared dance in which everyone play his personal choreography.

We haven’t to be scared by this actual moment of “not-clarity”, because in some sense it’s a necessary space of transition, a space in which we can start building our different and specific motions of truth, a truth very far from the truth of Old Heart.

Everything will change, relationships-work-free time, and every thing will be in continuous change more and more, with our personal redefining of our lights, so we have to “get used to not having habits”.

I think this is a moment very creative and in my opinion we have the right and duty of reinventing ourselves with the power of our free imagination and desire.

I hope that my English is clear enough, but mostly I hope that you feel my joyful in explain to you what I’m living in this session with our magical real New Heart.
This joyful is of everyone.

I would like to express the fun, the peace and the confidence that we can feel when New Heart explain us the way in which “she” is emerging, with our help.

A big hug to all of you

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Re: to become one

Post by Arcobaleno »

I'm sorry dear friends,
but I made a big mistake:
I have written in all the test New Heart, and not New Earth... :oops: :oops: :oops:

It is a funny thing because in theese days I have been hearing the concept "the way of my heart" like an important aspect of my change, and I really think that our New Earth is related to a new way to make happy our various needs to give and receive love.

The love of the life.

Please, forgive me for my not very clear english


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Re: to become one

Post by stefano »

the same krisha's problem.
heath - heart (krisha)
heart-earth (Valentina)

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Re: to become one

Post by Ultra »

Recently Irinushka wrote on the Russian side of the Forum that New Reality and New Life is primarily a "sacrament/mystery by a joint effort", a "multi-dimensional tapestry" which is composed of many sizes, colours, values and in the "stand alone" mode it simply does not have any power, or form, or play.

I would like to get connected to whatever is available at the moment in whatever state I am ... without waiting till I "ripen", or get "activated" or whatever else it may (or may not) need to happen.
My current "connection" with the Whole is like an ADSL line in a remote area with massive outages and interferences on the line. I have great days and moments when I am just "happening" and live Life to the full, when I perceive and experience the omnipresence. Along with this I have heavy moments of gloominess, disconnection and feeling like a misfit.
This intermittency puzzles me because, for instance, any activity at work completely takes over my mind and I ... forget about the connection with The Whole. :? It’s almost like being a "fair-weather jogger"(i.e someone who only jogs when the sun is shining)

The question is "How do you Walk The Line"? How do you manage to keep the stability of your connection with the Whole? how do you remember so you do not "forget"? :oops:
aka CleverLand

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Re: to become one

Post by krisha »

GoodLight ultra nice to meet you :D i think that the only way is to watch like soul throught the human eyes, the new hearth is here, you have only to change the way to watch. i'm a soul, this is the only important thing to be sure to be a Lightly soul in the school of gaia. To become one is very important for the new vibration, much we are better is .. :mrgreen: A big heart-hug kris

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Re: to become one

Post by Chiara »

Ultra wrote:The question is "How do you Walk The Line"? How do you manage to keep the stability of your connection with the Whole? how do you remember so you do not "forget"? :oops:
Dear Ultra,
sorry, I use Google Translate.

This is what i do.
When I look through the eyes of soul
I perceive and remenber the difference taste.

When I feeling like a misfit
I remeber that i'm in direction of happyness and I let go of everything and i waiting the growing of that taste .

Bye with love
Last At 21/11/2013

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Re: to become one

Post by Chiara »

[quote="chiara]When I feeling like a misfit
I remeber that i'm in direction of happyness and I let go of everything and i waiting the growing of that taste .

waiting means to me: to hold the attention in the present beyond of mist even if it is out of the question, because it is natural, sooner or later we meet it and so, I let go all other taste that don't go in that direction. The Whole it is present. That is I do, and more and more it is possible.

happyness means to me: natural state of joy even if it's unknown.

Last At 21/11/2013

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