What is the living?

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What is the living?

Post by Irinushka »

I would like to submit to all of us, including myself, this kind of question: "What is the living?"

Please, do not search a rational answer, but try to get and catch the answer going from your deep thinking – feeling.

And, if you want, using as a starting point this video:

robbie williams-feel


Come on hold my hand,
I wanna contact the living.
Not sure I understand,
This role I’ve been given.

I sit and talk to god
And he just laughs at my plans,
My head speaks a language, I don’t understand.

I just wanna feel real love,
Feel the home that I live in.
’cause I got too much life,
Running through my veins, going to waste.

I don’t wanna die,
But I ain’t keen on living either.
Before I fall in love,
I’m preparing to leave her.
I scare myself to death,
That’s why I keep on running.
Before I’ve arrived, I can see myself coming.

I just wanna feel real love,
Feel the home that I live in.
’cause I got too much life,
Running through my veins, going to waste.

And I need to feel, real love
And a life ever after.
I cannot get enough.


I just wanna feel real love,
Feel the home that I live in,
I got too much love,
Running through my veins, going to waste.

I just wanna feel real love,
In a life ever after
There’s a hole in my soul,
You can see it in my face, it’s a real big place.


Come and hold my hand,
I wanna contact the living,
Not sure I understand,
This role I’ve been given

Not sure I understand.
Not sure I understand.
Not sure I understand.
Not sure I understand.

May be, if we combine in synergy our individual forces of thinking – feeling, together we’ll be able to understand… :)

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Post by aspie »

I'd like to comment on Irinishka's post about the incident on "bike trip" in Russian version
For that I need to introduce myself as a person for whom incidents like those are "the most stable life reality" always and now
A few years ago I finally found the name for the reason of that which is "autism". By "autism" usually people imagine a disable child who doesn't communicate with the world and live in his own little world. Recently there was discovered a vast majority of pretty able people functioning in life pretty productively, but have problem similar to those disable kids-living in their own world (not by their choice, but by the reason of their brain designed differently) Scientists do discoveries about that "brain abnormality".
People with that "abnormality" say that is not abnormality, but just different way of living/thinking .

The main difference according to some theory is what called "mindblindness" of autistic people, which is lack of special device called "common sense" which allowed people to communicate with each other productively and peacefully. Meaning "ability to read another person by gathering information using tone of voice, body language and "common sense" meaning the data in human brain how to behave in any given situation according to "common sense"" All that work unconsciously .
Living with that autistic brain I see that it's almost impossible to do it consciously. I do a lot of experiments on that and "investigate that issue" a lot. So, consciously I'm able to compensate some, but never would be able "to be as normal people" using "conscious thinking" only
And so I have a choice trying to live w/o showing my "mindblindness" conscientiously.
Then my life would be very limited and poor because I'm unable to carry on my mind on hand (available to me) more then one pattern of behavior in any given situation so I'd be able to use it when I need it.
I DO create that data now and use it in order to limit the number of every day conflicts, but that is NOT my life and I try to avoid it as much as possible.

Using the incident with Irinushka's "bike trip" I'd try to describe my idea this way, because that incident is "reality of my everyday life", which was much worse before, improved greatly from working on it, but still NOW it's on the level of that "bike incident"

So, I had sudden impulse to be alone for awhile. My brain understands that it's a little bit "off" behavior, so I try to make it sound "normal" by pretending that I'm tired and need to take a short way. I do it for another person in order not to create the discomfort. Probably HERE is the very important moment in MY situation.- A person reaction is negative and here my brain already started to resist "by my logic" All "normal behavior data" don't work. Person's upset body language and/or tone of voice DON"T get to me unless I'd CONSCIENTIOUS work on it and I continue my "logic path"....." There is nothing WRONG in what I'm doing , I'm NOT leaving a sick person alone, and I explained my behavior, I didn't just make a turn and left, etc, etc, etc. I took care to make it NOT rude, I tried to make it nice for another person.
Why the reaction is bad? What did I do wrong?"
Usually if I bother people "What did I do wrong? " people get irritated saying something as" it is inappropriate behavior" or "people don't do such things"which is not enough for me the explanation I believe they just feel/know it on unconscionable level.
My behavior is not in their "data of behaviors" list and that is all my fault....and there is no such a list exist to see or learn it conscientiously and even if I'd see it on the list still it's not "commandment" for me to follow.
So my other choice is to live what in that "bike incident" was called "thinking only about myself"( although for me it feels differently ) or live according to "my list" and pay a price for it, what I chose.
Many autistic people who follow the first choice "living only by other people's reaction" feel very bad about themselves and their lives
There is seems always a choice on a way of living exists and consequences with it

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Post by SunShadow »

May i redirect ur though Irinushka, from life<>which i think is an early topic to discuss.. on Russian side of the forum there is a topic about the HumanBeing, WHy dont we highlight the part of it, the one called Spirit(the high Conscion) in the new reality, and rest of the ralated things.
Cause as for those who passed the ego, can without much difficulties clearly see and annalize our basic human side-part. to be honest, i do understand what is it, but knowing th universe, the info that is accesable by everyone cant really be called complete and correct at most of the times. its suppost to be a wide matter which should get even wider once got into it.

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Post by Mixa »

BeLeZhy, may i ask a question? I'm just wandering why the Ego is "not good"? Why sould i deny it?
my today's consistance tells me that my Ego is a useful function, that is helping me to contact with this material vibration's reality, cous if my "Big Me" would contact with it by it's self, it would be looking like it Aspie'd described about the outism. What i feel now is that the Ego is helping for the "Big Me" to stay at this display (проявлении) linking with enother ones, like me or less developtd substances. I think the ego should be used like your lovely clothes that you should dress on when you want to go outside your home to the coldy winter street. W\o this clothes you'll be could & get a seek... of course you shold remember: the strong "Big Me" the more undressed "Big Me" :) Ego is like an interpriter that translate somthing from my "Big Me" to the reality and back. The quolity of "translations" is depended on interaction between the Ego and the Spirit...
At this way i wan to ask, not only BeLeZhy - what is more important (excuse me for this primitive way of asking) to improve your High Conscion - Spirit (or may be "Big Me"), or to improve an interaction of the Spirit and the Ego?
Oh, i've got a problem - the English is a very concret language, and i can't describe yet all shades i used to do in Russian.... it's difficult, but i suppouse&hope my "prononsation" will be emproved at the next topics :)

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Post by SunShadow »

:) Ego should not be dennied. u cant denny part of ur self, its just should be exactly, part of u!
and rest is just how and waht u've said.

I'd describe ego as a high conscion of the body, when the spirit is a ur conscion, and then there is the soul(which suppost to be ur true high conscion), which i cant tell much from my own understanding, and experience.
but that's just an IMHO, if there are other points of view, i'd really like to hear it! :-)

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Post by aspie »

At this way i wan to ask, not only BeLeZhy - what is more important (excuse me for this primitive way of asking) to improve your High Conscion - Spirit (or may be "Big Me"), or to improve an interaction of the Spirit and the Ego?

Hi Mixa,

Interesting question
As I'm not into theory, but "my living" is my experimental lab so from my experience the answer would be like that using your concepts
When I did not know my Spirit (as you call it) well, my Ego used to give me a lot of trouble, exactly I developed pretty bad mood swings-being part of the time in depressions, the other part in pretty wild manias.
Being in depressions I hated my Ego and was ashamed of it while think more as "normal people" and it was easier for me to follow different rules of "normal life"and I experienced people's favorable attitude (although hating my own life). In manias I admired my Ego and was delightful by its functioning. At the same time "normal life" made not much sense to me and people's attitude was pretty bad, but I enjoyed my life greatly.
Then I started to work consciously with all that. Investigating my Ego did not give me many answers.Then with help of Irinushka's information I learned about my Spirit and then knowledge of my Spirit helped me to "handle my Ego" better. I know that I cannot neglect my Ego, should care of it, but knowledge of the Spirit helps me a lot not to bea slave of my Ego. They work together pretty good as "a team work" and I think I'm learning to recognize "who is who" and how they work together
So, answering your question I think both points are important, one cannot be w/o another

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Post by Massimo »

Slava, aspie, BeLeZhy, Mixa, I just published an article (http://en.irinushka.eu/2008/09/07/ego-bad-or-good/) on the ego subject, so again you can have a look at it and write here your comments.

aspie, as I wrote in the article, I think that the key point in the question is understanding that exactly as you have a "specific ego and a specific Spirit" so do all the others.

It's important to understand what are your needs and limits, but it is just as important to understand needs and limits of the others. When you have a as clear as possible understanding of everybody's limits and problems, then it becomes a lot easier to adapt, IF AND WHEN IT IS POSSIBLE, your superficial behavior to the others' expectations without feeling subject or compressed.

Clearly, there are things that can be done without losing yourself and others that contraddict all of your being and cannot be done and the boundary between the two categories can be very subtle and also changing, so to find a balance is not always easy.

I think that you should understand that to some extent everybody is autistic, even if apparently he doesn't look so...

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Post by Slava »

Massimo wrote:Slava, aspie, BeLeZhy, Mixa, I just published an article (http://en.irinushka.eu/2008/09/07/ego-bad-or-good/) on the ego subject, so again you can have a look at it and write here your comments.

It's important to understand what are your needs and limits, but it is just as important to understand needs and limits of the others. When you have a as clear as possible understanding of everybody's limits and problems, then it becomes a lot easier to adapt, IF AND WHEN IT IS POSSIBLE, your superficial behavior to the others' expectations without feeling subject or compressed.

Clearly, there are things that can be done without losing yourself and others that contraddict all of your being and cannot be done and the boundary between the two categories can be very subtle and also changing, so to find a balance is not always easy.

I think that you should understand that to some extent everybody is autistic, even if apparently he doesn't look so...
What a great article indeed, I will have to read it again to outline each part of it here with more details. But at present time would like to say that each person has it's specific energetic structure which allows him/her to behave in a way that they behave (and judgement here is last thing you really want to do, unless you really understand their structure and reasons behind)...moreover we know that living in our "old reality" was / still is hard to a degree of "errors", "energetic pollution" and "many times mistreated information available for use..:(", therefore it is possible, if one wants!, to find reasons and understanding to the behaviour of EACH and SINGLE BEING on Earth.

I think main problem is lying in concept that one doesn't understand his own energetic structure due to not possesing information in the "old system reality" and has therefore problems on many many levels in communicating in this world, firstly with him/herself and secondly with his surrounding environment (not just people)...So I think at this point we are getting to Irinushka's Russian topic of Restoring Human Being to a degree where he/she possess all the information (as much objective information) in order to understand reasons (deep reasons) of him eg. smoking /drinking / having other addictions / or type of behaviour with a destruction character to a self or surrounding.

Actually the simple way of putting it - a restored human being would not have / live in a destruction programme as many people do live today...and on that very note I would like to outline that new reality will provide / give us - humans all the tools and support needed to become (choose to become) a complete, restored being on many levels and integrate ourselves in a system of Global devine journey... :)

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Post by Irinushka »

As all of you already know, I am a kind of a “human guinea pig” that discovers and tests on my own skin some new algorithms and tools. :)

Well, from various months I have experience of a very “advanced” mental comunication with the “Ambassador of the Skies” which I consider a wonderful flash and prototype of a just and correct order of the things.

I’d like to cite the description of this “magical comunication format” that I had given in my article “The rainbow is my message of love…”

http://en.irinushka.eu/2008/07/13/the-r ... e-of-love/

“ … It is a communication mode that does not simply utilize a “dedicated line” but rather a “dedicated volume” into which, between the two parties, is created a kind of “intelligent” mental wave, a transmissive field able to pick up everything one party wants to transmit to the other (and when I say everything I don’t mean a sentence or a concept, but a kind of current survey of his state of being, a stereophonic flash of his presence, that may include thoughts, images, emotions, movements and even mini-clips to further clarify the meaning of the message). All this in a single “data file” that when it reaches the other “end of the wire” magically takes the musical and organoleptical fragrances that complies with those of the other party, in such a way to prevent any kind of “lost in translation” syndrome.

When I am into this intelligent and non truncated mental wave, an inner knowledge about many things is naturally born inside me, knowledge also about things whose existence I didn’t even suspect up to that moment.
But the most wonderful thing, at least from my point of view, is that in this magical space, in this dedicated volume I feel I can completely be myself, but a myself in its “integral and enhanced” version, I feel that each single movement or even just hint I make is perceived and listened to and reciprocated, I feel that this is a space where “everything is right, everything is exactly as it should be”, I feel that it is a space warmed not by a little flame, but by a true fire…”

Slava wrote: I think main problem is lying in concept that one doesn't understand his own energetic structure due to not possesing information in the "old system reality" and has therefore problems on many many levels in communicating in this world, firstly with him/herself and secondly with his surrounding environment (not just people)...So I think at this point we are getting to Irinushka's Russian topic of Restoring Human Being to a degree where he/she possess all the information (as much objective information) in order to understand reasons (deep reasons) of him eg. smoking /drinking / having other addictions / or type of behaviour with a destruction character to a self or surrounding.
So, returning back to our arguments, I think that we don’t need (and in any case this would not be possible) to “possess all the information (as much objective information) in order to understand reasons (deep reasons) of him eg. smoking /drinking / having other addictions / or type of behaviour with a destruction character to a self or surrounding”.

But we need to develop the ability to perceive and to ride our natural wave.

After all, if two “energetic-spiritual arrays”, two energetic structures so different as the mine and his (of the “Ambassador of the Skies”, I mean) are able to communicate and understand each other perfectly, recognizing and respecting naturally what the other is, syntonizing on his specific existential volume (of his “living volume”), then the energetic structures not so different and that belong to the world of the Earth certainly will be able to make the same. :)
Even if perhaps not so soon as we would want.

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Post by Slava »

Irinushka wrote: But we need to develop the ability to perceive and to ride our natural wave.

After all, if two “energetic-spiritual arrays”, two energetic structures so different as the mine and his (of the “Ambassador of the Skies”, I mean) are able to communicate and understand each other perfectly, recognizing and respecting naturally what the other is, syntonizing on his specific existential volume (of his “living volume”), then the energetic structures not so different and that belong to the world of the Earth certainly will be able to make the same. :)
Even if perhaps not so soon as we would want.
Probably I didn't express myself clearly in my last comment. What I meant to say is in order to ride our natural wave we need to understand the source that produces these waves (and on which frequences) and that comes from exploration of oneself and not neccessarily with the method of deep thinking and analysys of behaviour (that helps when thinking of why your organism reacts to things in a manner that it reacts), but rather through your senses and feeling of your state of being (when are you feeling yourself, similar to what Irinushka describes when she feels herself absolutely naturally).

And one more thing, perhaps one's good intentions openess creates additional support enegetic field, which can be an intermediate in order to "catch each other's wave and surf through / on it joyfully" :)

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Post by Irinushka »

Personally, I’d like to use the expression “accept the source” instead of “understand the source” (the understanding is related to the rational principle and to its inevitable conceptual limits (to the limits of its energetic trasmissivity), while the acceptation is related to the irrational principle (not a common irrational, but an irrational Superior principle) and has no limits.

The autentic acceptation also includes by default all possible levels of the understanding which could be drawn in the present and in the future (if it will be necessary), but in addition to this, the acceptation has also so much other “pixels and excitements”, which can render the situation really “living” and complete...

From my point of view, only the acceptation allows us to feel naturally a continuous flow of love and joy... :D

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Post by Massimo »

Irinushka wrote: So, returning back to our arguments, I think that we don’t need (and in any case this would not be possible) to “possess all the information (as much objective information) in order to understand reasons (deep reasons) of him eg. smoking /drinking / having other addictions / or type of behaviour with a destruction character to a self or surrounding”.
Probably in my articles I didn't make myself clear enough :) so I take the oppurtinity of this message to clarify.

My examples about understanding the other's possible differences from us and the discussions about the"imaginary someone" who knows everything and so can decide with perfect balance had the purpose of explaining that since WE ARE NOT (and probably will never be) that imaginary someone, then the only choice is that of accepting the other as a given data, a condition beyond our understanding and our possibility of changing, a circumstance of life that regards US, not the other.

Therefore we must feel what we are, what we want, what we can obtain by the confrontation, and then decide what to do on the basis of ourselves.

This approach applied in the old reality is very similar to that that should become "natural" in the new reality where the "magical field" that will interconnect everybody will provide the necessary translation and interface operations.

What I was trying to say with my articles is that up to then (so without magical field) we should try to take from any interaction what we feel that is there for us: if we feel that there is nothing, we just drop the question. In the new reality the same will happen, the difference being that we will not even perceive the interaction, because a useless interaction will not be proposed to us. Now, unfortunately, we must do the "skimming" by ourselves and according to our awareness and often with the feeling of being terribly alone... but the purpose is the same...

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Post by aspie »

Personally, I’d like to use the expression “accept the source” instead of “understand the source” (the understanding is related to the rational principle and to its inevitable conceptual limits (to the limits of its energetic trasmissivity), while the acceptation is related to the irrational principle (not a common irrational, but an irrational Superior principle) and has no limits.

That is a great idea. It can help to move "through the wall" which understanding/logic created-solid and impenetrable. Why not to accept that wonderful helpful tool as unknown (beyond understandable) Superior principle and invite The Miracle into life.
My mind is very logic and stubborn, but learned to accept that "Source of Miracle" as a great gift.
First you accept it, then get confirmations, then develop trust
Thanks Irinushka

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Post by SunShadow »

to whom it may concern
<quated question to landers>
what, on your and ur contacts oppinion, or better to the real knowlege, is THE most important point(thing< missing link) to or which helps to connect the humman consions with a spirit or similar or higher levels of self?
maybe im missing somehting out..

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Post by Irinushka »

My opinion, based on my personal transformation way, is that first of all, we must abandon the idea itself of this imaginary border between our human conscience and the so called higher levels of ourselves.

This artificial division on “up and down” levels of ourselves doesn't correspond to our new existential condition of the “waves”.

When we stay inside our personal waves we are always right and legitimate, we are “at home”, we are open to the Whole.

Any excitement we generate within our natural flows, even the most banal and apparently “not superior”, becomes a “conductor” that can connect us with all the miracles we need in this moment.

“Les taxis pour les Galaxies”… :)

So, for me the most important point is that we must not perceive our so called human level as something incomplete or poor or bad, we must not mentally deny its status of an integral and perfect conductor, but on the contrary we must observe it with great sympathy and encouragement, we must allow it to do all the wonderful things that it is destined to do. :)

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