Baby steps

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Baby steps

Post by ada »

Hy everyone! my name is Ada and I am quite new on this forum. I spent some time reading the italian section, concidering that I had the enormous plaisure to have met Irinushka and Massimo in person.
I open this topic in the english section because it is easyer for me to express myself in english,regarding that I am an enghlish speacher.
The members of the italian section know a lot about the spiritual world,about spiritual guidence. They experienced a lot. I am just at the beginning,even my experiences are those of a beginner.
I would like you, anyone, that has something to share: a story, an experience, a feeling,an ideear about all of this, please do not hesitate to write....
This topic is my baby step. I want to know, to experience, to grow on the spiritual scale... My question is: are you ready to do the same?

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Re: Baby steps

Post by BeLeZhy »

... its a bit late fror a baby steps..
anyway, first step, find ur path, ur way up, down and around..
rest would follow after, or atleast u will have more questions to ask. noone sais anything, cause noone knows what's u need.
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Re: Baby steps

Post by ada »

I just want to share experience. I don"t have many questions.... many were answered. I was told that my time is comming along with the new wave, the new times...
Thx for the answer. :D

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Re: Baby steps

Post by BeLeZhy »

then whole this web site filled with experienses.. :) jsut look around :)

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Re: Baby steps

Post by ada »

true, true, but I feel so small, concidering the other experiences. I just feel the entities, strange feelings.... things like that. I would like to hear other people"s opinion about their beginning, doesn"t matter if they are far away from it or living it.

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Re: Baby steps

Post by Saul »

BeLeZhy wrote:then whole this web site filled with experienses.. :) jsut look around :)
Ada, pay no attention to him. He's intellectually challenged!

I think you may have to be a little patient in the English forum. As you can see, there is not a great deal of traffic to the site and most of the traffic that does exist emanates from the Russian speaking community which, as far as I can tell spend a lot of time trying to run each other down instead of embracing the spirit of the site and what Irinushka is trying to do here.

Speaking for myself, I have an open mind about much of what is discussed here. My wife is more convinced by all this than I am. I would describe myself as mildly spiritual but also quite cynical about some of the characters that pop out of the woodwork claiming to be something I really don't think they are. One thing I do have is a very good sense of who's genuine and who isn't ;)

As for "spiritual" experiences I'n not sure I have had any. I have had moments when I have felt there is something out there much bigger than we are, that there are things about our universe we simply can not explain with pure logic or that our human brains are just not capable of understanding yet but apart from that I don't think anything stands out, not that I have recognized anyway.

All I can say is I believe there is more to the human experience than we know but I have absolutely no idea what it might be!

However, don't let posters like BeLeZhy put you off asking questions. You get people like him on all forums, except my own of course because I won't tolerate bad manners on my sites but, here unfortunately it's not for me to say who should stay and who should go...which is probably why I don't visit the site much.

Keep asking questions and keep exploring. I don't think there is an end point with all this, just one big continual learning experience, a process of human spiritual evolution and if you don't ask how can you learn?

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Re: Baby steps

Post by BeLeZhy »

:twisted: Peace out, StfU Mfkr Saul! rofl :twisted:
Last edited by BeLeZhy on Tue Sep 01, 2009 5:12, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Baby steps

Post by aspie »

As for "spiritual" experiences I'n not sure I have had any. I have had moments when I have felt there is something out there much bigger than we are, that there are things about our universe we simply can not explain with pure logic

Just today ran into that piece which seem belongs to that topic
(I work in the residence for people with mental problems)
"..... I brought there pictures of a park I did at fall (swans, ducks, water, trees, etc). Beautiful pictures came out. In order to attract people's attention to viewing pictures I asked them to mark the ones they like. I did it with the staff and residents. Got some "data" about pictures and people
Then I mentioned my favorite picture to one of the resident (a bright young woman ) She got very interested what was that picture and I told her to guess. I realized why I liked that picture very much . So, I told her "You know me pretty good. That picture represent a "peace of mind" for me. So, she guessed a bit and quickly got the right one. Then we did it with her choice of "peace of mind" picture. Then she chose a concept of Hope. Then a staff member joined us. She has a degree in fine art, so we continued the game. Guessing other person's choice, explaining it, then ask a person to explain her own choice.........and it was so interesting.... and we learned so much about so many things and about each other.

I was leading the whole process and to me it felt as I knew exactly what to do as if I did it many times , but everything happened just spontaneously and I never ever even thought about that.
I had feeling as kind of connection to" unknown source". I was very interested and kind of amazed listening to myself. The woman asked "What is your IQ?" I said that it had nothing to do with IQ....and it was not my stuff at all actually, it was as if somebody just installed that program in my mind.

.......then I developed it further and now I'm going to make an article on it with a person who really wants to try it with patients in mental hospital.
Was it "spiritual experience"? me "yes, it was"
Is that something out there?
OK, I'm in America, Irinushka is in Italy. I'm telling her the name of a person and ask a question concerning that person. She describes the person, describes the situation with details and possible ways the situation can developed......and then I see it happening in real life......being pretty skeptical myself ...what could be the better proof..?
To me personal experience is the most important thing and I got it...and nothing and nobody can take that beliefs from me now....
So, Ada, I wish you a lot of interesting and amazing your own personal experiences that area.


Re: Baby steps

Post by Skynew »

Salut, Ada!

If we are talking about Ada, what can we say about her?
Many people came to spirituality through personal problems, when it became clear that they can no longer live as before, that they must change something in their lives. Now this is not necessary, so copying anyone's way - not a variant that should be selected.
Variant of strict skepticism ... In this approach, what new and interesting things you can find? New and interesting comes to someone who is open.

What may be a conscious approach?

Ada + on-line reality.
Family ability + New Reality. Innate abilities, which can be woven into the pattern of new realities.

Family ability associated with such moments as the establishment of contact, communication and dialogue.
You can try to assist, to help their loved ones and learn from them. But you have to find your own ways, your own space for a contact, where you could invite your interlocutors. By the way, the workplace should be well lit. Think about Lighting :D .
Establishment of contact. Come on contact with the spirits of nature, try to feel them, hear, to join with them in fellowship, to understand something about them.

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Re: Baby steps

Post by ada »

Speaking for myself, I have an open mind about much of what is discussed here

I think this is all it is needed. An open mind!
I also think that it is very important to listen to yourself, the voice in you,that we call intuition,instinct,conscience.

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Re: Baby steps

Post by ada »

Thx for the advices!
Skynew.... I am trying to observe everything around me, to learn as much as I can, after all, I will be the one who decides the way to do things for myself. And I hope I will take good decisions. :mrgreen:
I know also that spiritual experiences can be also beautiful and scary... For me, it has just been scary.... And I want to learn how to grow, in order to take my role in this life.
I don"t want it to sound too dramatic :P . But I know you understant what I mean.

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Re: Baby steps

Post by Irinushka »

Hi, Ada,

Also Landers, my Latvian colleague, wrote an answer in russian to you that I decided to post in the Italian forum (because it’s easier for me to translate it in Italian than in English, and also because this post seems naturally connected with our last conversations there) :) .

I copy the post here:
La tua creatività sta ancora crescendo, mentre la tua percezione è già pronta per entrare in azione…
In queste condizione è facile “tagliare le piante in modo incasinato” (un’espressione idiomatica russa), con il risultato che dopo “la legna” così ottenuta sarà troppo costosa e non potrà né essere bruciata da te stessa (per esempio, per scaldarti) né fornita a qualcun altro.

La cosa più giusta e più “degna” per “una persona che sta per cominciare qualunque tipo di gioco”, è “MISURARE e PESARE” il tempo dell’inizio del suo nuovo proposito e il tempo dell’abbandono del vecchio proposito.

Misurando questi criteri, noi capiremo e vedremo che le nostre intenzioni potrebbero anche aspettare ancora, perché il loro tempo non è ancora arrivato, oppure sta per arrivare (si intravede in arrivo).

È importante cominciare nel momento giusto; in questo caso noi non soltanto riusceremo a centrare ogni obiettivo, ad essere promossi in tutto, ma addirittura riusciremo a superare le nostre stesse intenzioni, e anche di molto, ottenendo così un risultato che ci soddisferà per definizione.

The russian version of this post can be found here:

viewtopic.php?f=1&t=146&start=15" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Baby steps

Post by Skynew »

ada wrote:I know also that spiritual experiences can be also beautiful and scary... For me, it has just been scary...
There is an eternal Truth - that underlies everything.
What is changing? Forms are changing. So, forms comes, develop, grow old and go away.
To see the Truth, you must have material for comparison. Anti-truth is an optical illusion. Consciousness, following the anti-truth, is trapped mirages. But once the truth has been discovered, a distorted reflection no longer needed.

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Re: Baby steps

Post by ada »

The limits of our mind create this forms... The truth will reveal after we learn to distroy those limits.

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Re: Baby steps

Post by Saul »

BeLeZhy wrote::twisted: Peace out, StfU Mfkr Saul! rofl :twisted:
My case rests ! :)

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